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Learn SQL Views

SQL Views:-

In this post we will be learning about SQL Views.

Views: A view is basically a predefined query on one or more tables. Retrieving
information from the view is done in the same manner as retrieving from the table.
Creating a View: by using the create view statement we can create a view.

SQL Views
SQL Views

Syntax: Create [Or Replace]
View view_name
AS subquery
Ex: SQL> Create view medha_0016_view AS
Select ename, eno, address from
View Created.
Performing an Insert using a View: we can also perform DML operations using the
views. Given below is the example for that.
Ex: SQL> Insert into medha_0016_view(
Ename, eno, address) Values (CHAITU, 0016, HYD);
1 Row Created.
Modifying a View: we can modify the view using the REPLACE. If there any view
existing with that name then it was modified with the current one.
Ex: SQL> Create or Replace
view medha_0016_view
Select a.ename, a.eno, a.address, from
Chaitu_0016 a, chaitu_0011 b
Where a.eno = b.eno;
Dropping a View: when want to drop the view we use this statement. Only the view
will be dropped from the database the table was not effected.
Ex: SQL> Drop view chaitu_0016_view;

In next post we will be learning SQL Sequence, So keep learning and start sharing :) Happy Blogging!!