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Oracle Apps Database Structure

Database Structure:-

In this post we will be learning about Oracle Apps Database Structure ,

Schema: Schema is a place in database which contains the database objects like tables,
indexes, sequences, views and synonyms.

Oracle Apps DB Structure
Oracle Apps DB Structure

In oracle applications database we have individual schemas for each module
application. These schemas contain the database objects of only that particular module.
When we connect any database schema we can access only that schema database
objects. We can’t access other database objects. For data integrity purpose the oracle
has deigned one more schema called Apps schema which contains only synonyms and
this schema have the rights to access any other module database objects.
Note: Apps Schema will not contain the tables it contain only synonyms.

Projects in Oracle Applications:

Implementation Projects: Implementation means we will develop the forms,
reports from the scratch. In this project we will be work in the areas of the forms,
reports, interface, customizations and interfaces.

Customization Projects: In this we customize some standard reports.

Migration / Up gradation Projects: This will be moving from the Old version to the
New version.

Support / Maintenance Projects: Solving the issues which are raised by the end
user while entering the data.

Post Implementation Projects: This will be done at free of cost. It’s a real time

Types of Docs in Oracle Apps:
  •  MD 050 -- Module design by the functional consultant.
  •  MD 070 -- Technical Document designed by the technical consultant.
  •  MD 020 -- Technical document designed by the functional document.
  •  MD 0120 -- Migration and user training document by the technical consultant.
  •  CV 040 -- Conversion of the functional document by the functional consultant.
  •  CV 060 -- Conversion of the technical document by the technical consultant.

Note: Conversion means moving the data from the legacy system to the apps system.


  1. Hey Blogger !!

    Itz truly beneficial for Beginners like me.
    Keep it up :)
