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PLSQL Packages


In this post we will be learning concepts of PLSQL Packages,

 Tutorial for learning concepts of PLSQL Packages :-

Package is declarative part of the functions and procedures which are stored
in that package. There are two blocks in defining a package.
_ Package Specification
_ Package body
Package Specification: The package specification contains information about the
contents of the package. It does not contain code for any subprograms.
Syntax: CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE package_name {IS | AS}
Type_definition |
Procedure_specification |
Function_specification |
Variable_declaration |
Exception_declaration |
Cursor_declaration |
END [package_name];
Package Body: The package body is separate data dictionary object from the package
header. It cannot be successfully compiled unless the package header is already been
successfully compiled.
Syntax: CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE BODY package_name {IS | AS}
END package_name;
Ex: SQL> create or replace package vamsi_pack as
procedure razia_proc(mynum in number);
end vamsi_pack;
-- Declaration of Package Body and passing value to the procedure
create or replace package body vamsi_pack as
procedure razia_proc(mynum in number) as
cursor mycursor is select ename,empno,sal from emp where empno=mynum;
dbms_output.put_line(' NAME ' || ' NUMBER ' || ' SALARY ');
for i in mycursor
dbms_output.put_line(' '||i.ename||' '|| i.empno ||' '|| i.sal);
end loop;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('YOU HAVE DONE AN ILLEGAL OPERATION ');
end myproc;
end vamsi_pack;
Execution: SQL> exec vamsi_pack.razia_proc(7788);